Ice White Space Top 0,750 Lt

€33,90 EUR Regular price €55,94 EUR
SKU: alg001-1130-BG

Two-component enamel with exceptional expansion, specifically formulated for a brilliant finish on prestigious yachts and boats. Its application allows a full and bright finish both by spray and brush with remarkable resistance to atmospheric agents and the marine environment. SPACE TOP SMALTO is part of the SPACE TOP LINE, including a series of special additives designed for the use of the products in particular application and climatic conditions.


Iron . Apply a coat of EPOFOND AM-9 to grade 2.5 sandblasted iron. If sandblasting is not possible, the surface should be clean, dry, degreased and free from rust or traces of scale. Any poorly anchored paint must be removed mechanically. Apply 2 coats of EPOFOND AM/9 and fill if necessary with PLAMUR FINISHER MDF. Apply a coat of POLIFOND and sand after 24 hours. Overcoat with 2 coats of SPACE TOP respecting the overcoating times.

Fiberglass . The surface must be degreased with a suitable detergent, rinsed, lightly sanded with fine sandpaper and dusted. If the surface is slightly chalky, it is advisable to apply 1 coat of POLIFIBER PRIMER waiting 18-24 hours between coats. Possible grouting with PLAMUR FINISHER MDF. Overpaint with 2 coats of SPACE TOP.

New wood . The wood must be clean, dry and seasoned and possibly treated with an impregnating coat of POLIGLASS Varnish diluted 50% or more, with Thinner 203. After 24 hours, sandpaper and apply 2 coats of SPACE TOP spaced 24 hours apart.

Already painted wood.
- Carry out a compatibility test by painting a small part of the pre-existing coating; in the presence of softening or opacification it is advisable to bring the wood back to new by completely removing the old varnish. Follow directions for new wood.
- If the previous finish was two-component polyurethane with good adhesion conditions, clean, sand and apply 1 coat of POLIFOND. After 12-24 hours, sand and overcoat with 2 coats of SPACE TOP spaced 18-24 hours apart.

How the shipments of the items ordered on our site work.

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Shipping Times guarantees, depending on the availability of the product in the warehouse, the shipment within an interval ranging from a minimum of 12 hours to a maximum of 5 working days.

How is this time estimated?

In addition to availability, the time needed to manage the order must also be taken into account. Orders with the fastest delivery are those made with online payment (Credit Card and PayPal - and cash on delivery).

Different payment methods and delivery methods may change the shipping time. For example, for orders with delayed payment, such as bank transfers, the shipping date may vary by a few days, as these orders are processed upon receipt of payment confirmation.


Once the order has been placed and the payment and delivery methods have been selected, it is processed and the product is entrusted to the courier for shipment where indicated when completing the order.

Couriers for Italy SDA, Crono, TNT, Liccardi, GLS, BRT, Fercam

The shipping cost is €8.00 per shipment.


Goods receipt

You can check the status of your orders at any time in the Personal Area section by viewing the order details. Some small tips for receiving the goods:
Check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document.

Check that the packaging is intact and not altered even in the closing tapes. In the event of tampering and/or breakage, you must immediately contest the shipment and/or delivery by adding the words "GOODS INSPECTION RESERVE FOR ..... (indicate the reason)" on the delivery document received from the courier or from another operator.

Subsequently you will have to report any damage within 7 (seven) days of receipt by sending an email to